Personal information

  • Sex: Male

Arrest and jail information

  • Prison: Al-Ha’ir Prison, Riyadh
  • Date of arrest: 04 March 2011
  • Manner of arrest: He was arrested in the yard of Al-Rajhi Mosque, where during his sit-in he was kicked, beaten and dragged into a police car.

Trial information

  • Charges: Calling for the overthrow of the regime and the release of the political detainees
  • Court: Specialised Criminal Court (SCC)
  • Verdict: Sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment and travel ban
  • Date of verdict: 05 September 2013


  • 04 March 2011 - He was arrested in the yard of Al-Rajhi Mosque, where during his sit-in he was kicked, beaten and dragged into a police car.
  • 05 September 2013 - He was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment and travel ban

Other prisoners


Daniel Abu Jabara


Abdulmajeed Abdulaziz al-Zahrani


Ahmad al-Zahrani


Sarah al-Jabri


Omar al-Jabri

Family member of political prisoner